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Sunday, December 24, 2006

No Sleep For You...Come Back One Year

Tonight is Christmas Eve and since I have been deemed "Santa's Little Helper" by my sister, there will be little to no sleep for me tonight. Each year, it never occurs to anyone to plan to finish all the late night Santa-like activities in advance, so yet again, we will burning the midnight-sugar cookies.

My family has always had a very large Christmas. In fact, it involves so many toys for everyone (including the adults) that we usually end up getting no sleep that night either....thus my affinity for the Christmas day afternoon nap.

Tonight, however, my sister, mom, niece and I will stage an elvish assembly line of wrapping for an endless string of misshapen PlaySkool toys that require the development of new methods for cutting and taping (and a few little fights with gravity). This goes on into the wee small hours of the morning, until my mom can no longer form coherent sentences.

So the next morning, when all the little ones are bursting with excitement to see what Santa has left, we are all in the corner, sucking down Dr. Peppers and desperately trying to keep our eyes open. If it wasn't for Reese's Peanut Butter Trees and the squealing of 5-year-olds, none of us would make it through the morning.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night...i mean, morning.


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