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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I Knew It!!!

An article was published yesterday on ( Here: about a study done at Miami University in Ohio which claims that it's easier to learn a person's name if his face matches it. Apparently we have built-in stereotypes of which facial features fit certain names.

All this time, I was a little worried that I was just insanely self-centered when I could not remember someone's name, especially in cases where I could only remember the name I subconciously assigned to them in lieu of their real name. There was a guy in one of my classes in college who suffered this fate; I had to bite my tongue to keep from calling him "Ryan" every time he greeted me. (I think his name was actually "Todd".) In my effort to avoid it, he usually only got "Hi..." from me. No potential name mix-ups there.

It's not just me!! I'm not just insanely self-centered (ok, maybe a little...but not because of this!). I now have scientific evidence that I cannot be held responsible for remembering the name you don't look like. Sucks to be you......


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