Stage 700-and...something....
I go through stages in my life. I get totally, completely fixated on a new thing; it consumes my life; and somewhere down the road I find myself thinking, "Wow, it's been awhile since I....".
My latest obsession (besides the elliptical machine at my gym) is Fox's Monday night show "Prison Break". I'm hooked. Just when I thought there was no room left in my head for an all-consuming addiction like "24", I found myself rabidly burning through a season's worth of DVDs, in mouth-watering anticipation for last Monday's season premiere. And I must say, YET AGAIN Fox has managed to air a program with a shock-value so high, that I found myself in a moment of true, unadulterated awe. Not since Edgar's death at CTU have I literally spent the last four minutes of the show, and a good six-and-a-half minutes after the show, with my jaw hanging on the floor, eyes wide open, making audible noises of shock. Now that's damn good TV...