Events occur in real time

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

If It Rings True...

I have a lot of jewelry. And by a lot, I mean A LOT. Really more than I can truly keep up with...apparently.

Several months ago, I bought a red gemstone ring (it was cheap and most likely glass....but it was red.) I was so excited! I got tons of compliments because it was a little unusual. Plus, for some inexplicable reason, out of the 400 pounds of jewelry I do own, I didn't own anything red. And I thought I had solved this problem.

Until I got off the phone with my mom yesterday...

We were talking about jewelry, and I mentioned that I don't own any red jewelry---to which she responded, "Yes, you bought that ring." (Sidenote: Don't ask me how she knows what jewelry I own...we often talk on the phone for five hours at a time...what else do you talk about?) I drew a total blank. What ring? I had no idea what she was talking about...until it hit me that I had bought a super-cool red ring I haven't seen for awhile. I have a really bad habit of shedding jewelry by mid-day and tossing it haphazardly in my purse, car, golf bag, on my sister's kitchen counter or a friend's coffee table. I knew this total disregard for careful placement could get me in trouble one day, but I'm a risk-taker so I guess it wasn't enough of a threat to change my behavior.

The worst part of this situation: losing the ring? Nope. Feeling like I have officially lost my mind given that I can't keep up with my stuff...or even remember it? No. It's the knowledge that I now own something to which I am clueless of its location. Finding it has now turned into my latest obsession--Investigating every pocket, drawer, shelf, crevice, nook, cranny and boytoy's coffee table for aforementioned missing ring. I keep having revelations of a place I haven't yet inspected while I'm showering or driving or waiting for a client. And I rush to check it only to come up emptyhanded. It's really quite sad...I will not have any decent sleep until this stupid ring surfaces...not cool.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I Knew It!!!

An article was published yesterday on ( Here: about a study done at Miami University in Ohio which claims that it's easier to learn a person's name if his face matches it. Apparently we have built-in stereotypes of which facial features fit certain names.

All this time, I was a little worried that I was just insanely self-centered when I could not remember someone's name, especially in cases where I could only remember the name I subconciously assigned to them in lieu of their real name. There was a guy in one of my classes in college who suffered this fate; I had to bite my tongue to keep from calling him "Ryan" every time he greeted me. (I think his name was actually "Todd".) In my effort to avoid it, he usually only got "Hi..." from me. No potential name mix-ups there.

It's not just me!! I'm not just insanely self-centered (ok, maybe a little...but not because of this!). I now have scientific evidence that I cannot be held responsible for remembering the name you don't look like. Sucks to be you......

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Strike A Pose!

I can now officially say I shook my little tush on the catwalk. (10 points to whomever can name that tune! or the lyric in this post title!)

Last Thursday, I was a model in the fashion show at the North Utah County Women in Business Conference. No points to Macey's for organization (they lost our clothes the night before!), but it was actually way fun to stroll out on the patio and twirl for 200 pairs of eyes. Every girl has an innate hip-sashaying supermodel inside, but most of us only showcase that side when we're alone in front of our full-length mirror. (I would venture that a few guys do it too...c'mon admit flex and fire the imaginary clicky-hand-guns at the mirror too.) But it's not often we do it in public.

As my mom says, I've liked the spotlight since birth, so I thought it was super-fun to strut my stuff. I'm so glad I get such fun opportunities with my job. Plus now I can laugh at the memory of running across the gardens in between clothing changes in my heels trying to get my jacket buttoned. It's a small miracle I didn't trip and end up sprawled out across the stone fountain!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Seen About Town

Check out the mention of me as magazine-rep-super-girl on my friend/client's local business blog. (Sidenote: apparently he gets some pretty decent traffic from the link on my blog, so thanks for checking it out guys!)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

What's better than playoff basketball? Nothing!!!

This is my favorite time of year. Summer is just around the corner and it's time for the NBA playoffs! Even though there are a few select times during the week that I am completely unavailable (*cough*.. Fox Monday night.. *cough*), the playoffs are like the trump card for all other can't-miss TV shows or otherwise prior engagements. There can be no event that prevents me from viewing a television during the playoffs...especially now that we've hit the Second Round.

Our hometown boys, the Utah Jazz, have been doing exceptionally well, and their Second Round series with the Golden State Warriors has been exhilarating, nail-biting, and occasionally scream-inducing. Golden State plays a crazy game of b-ball, and Utah is one of the few teams capable of keeping up with them. After two games, Utah is leading 2-0. With the winner facing the winner of the Spurs/Suns series in the Western Conference Finals, Utah has a great shot at the 2007 NBA Finals.

I'm sure some of you will remind me that I'm a Kings fan (cut me some slack, I'm talkin' 2001 Western Conf Finals with L.A.....Bibby-Webber-Christie-Stojakavic-VladeD. era), I gotta give it up to the Utah boys. They play some smart ball, and when they are on, they are on fire! And I dig cheering like crazy when Okur hits those threes. I wanna see the finger-blowing magic of his in the Finals!

Reminder: Never attempt to call or distract me during Game 3, 4, 5, can come over and hang out, but only if you're willing to yell and scream at the TV with me! However, if you can round up tickets to the games, you may call every thirty seconds until I answer. If they make it to the Western Conference Finals, I may be open to negotations of life-time servitude.